The 2020 theme for the Annual Diocesan Appeal is, "Encountering Christ – Faith in Action." One of the constant themes of Pope Francis in his preaching and exhortations is our call to become ‘missionary disciples.’ That term has two distinct, but complementary, elements to it: following Christ as his disciples and being sent to witness to God’s love, truth, and beauty. So, too, does our 2020 theme bear these two important elements: encountering Christ and putting faith into action.
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Brochure: English | Trilingual - English / Español / Vietnamese
Pledge form: English | Trilingual - English / Español / Vietnamese
Your ADA gift enables us in our Evangelization work and outreach, particularly in the areas of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, Catechesis and Faith Formation, the Hispanic Apostolate, Social Justice Ministry, the Institute for Leadership in Ministry, the Formation and Training of Seminarians and Deacon Candidates, who are our future priests and deacons, and the Ongoing Formation of those already ordained. Only your gift, combined with the gifts of others throughout our Diocese, can make all of this possible.
Please consider a gift to the ADA to help support the day-to-day services that our parishes rely on for support. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
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