“The matrimonial covenant, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, is by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring; this covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament”
Marriage in God’s Plan
Sacred Scripture begins with the creation of man and woman in the image and likeness of God and concludes with a vision of “the wedding-feast of the Lamb.” Scripture speaks throughout of marriage and its “mystery,” its institution and the meaning God has given, its origin and its end, its various realizations throughout the history of salvation, the difficulties arising from sin and its renewal “in the Lord” in the New Covenant of Christ and the Church”
Engaged couples will need to call or visit the parish office six months in advance to schedule a meeting with a priest.
“La alianza matrimonial, por la que el varón y la mujer constituyen entre sí un consorcio de toda la vida, es por su propia naturaleza ordenada al bien de los cónyuges ya la procreación y educación de la descendencia; este pacto entre bautizados se ha planteado por Cristo Nuestro Señor a la dignidad de sacramento ”
El Matrimonio en el Plan de Dios
La Sagrada Escritura comienza con la creación del hombre y la mujer a imagen y semejanza de Dios y concluye con una visión de “las bodas del Cordero.” La escritura habla del matrimonio y de su “misterio”, de su institución y Dios le ha dado significado, su origen y su fin, de sus realizaciones diversas a lo largo de la historia de la salvación, las dificultades nacidas del pecado y de su renovación “en el Señor” en la Nueva Alianza de Cristo y de la Iglesia ”
Las parejas comprometidas deberán llamar o visitar la oficina de la parroquia con seis meses de antelación para hacer una cita con un sacerdote.
Weddings at Our Lady of Refuge are celebrated on Saturday afternoons.
Weddings are not scheduled for Holy Thursday, Good Friday or Holy Saturday, nor are weddings scheduled for those hours when Mass is read for the congregation.
The Church makes certain requests of the bride and groom to help the couple with their spiritual preparation.
Appointments are setup by completing an Information Sheet at the parish office.
Marriage preparation that will explain the requirements in the diocese.
Baptismal Certificate copy
The Catholic partner still is required to promise to continue observing the Catholic faith and to do their best to raise children as Catholics. The promise is made in the presence of the non-Catholic partner, who no longer is asked to make any promise or commitment.
Many Catholic churches encourage the groom to greet their guests as they enter the church for the ceremony. The processional may begin with the priest meeting the groom at the entrance and then lead them and their attendants to the altar; or the priest and ministers proceed to the altar to receive the bride, groom and their attendants. Also, the processional might include the cross bearer, the priest and servers, as well as the witnesses, bridesmaids and groomsmen. The groom is encouraged to process in with his parents; and the bride with her father or parents.
If the bride is in the processional with her father only, he escorts her up the aisle, on his right arm. When he gives her hand to the groom, he then steps back and joins his wife in the first pew. (The escort, by tradition, is a man.) If the bride has no one for the role, she traditionally walks up the aisle alone. If step parents are involved, different suggestions are made
After entry into the church, a greeting is usually issued by the priest, first to the bride and groom and then to their guests. This is followed by an opening prayer.The liturgy of the word includes readings from the Old and New Testaments, a re-sponsorial psalm, the “alleluia” before the Gospel, and a Gospel reading. The selections may be read by the priest or by honored members of the wedding party.
The homily, or sermon, elaborates on the marriage theme. If the priest knows the couple well, he may interlace his homily with personal references.
The exchange of rings follows the exchange of vows. The best man, who usually has both rings, gives the bride’s ring to the priest, who blesses it and gives it to the bridegroom, who places it on the bride’s finger. In a double ring ceremony, after the bride receives her ring, the blessing and presentation will be repeated for the bridegroom’s ring. Some brides may consider honoring the role of the Virgin Mary as Christ’s Mother, by presenting flowers at a side altar dedicated to Mary. (This is optional).
The Prayer of the Faithful follows which may also include personal prayer by the couple.
During a Mass, the Liturgy of the Eucharist is said at this time. Those who are chosen to bring gifts of wine and bread to the altar carry out their role at this point and the liturgy begins.
The priest then offers the Nuptial Blessing.
The conclusion of a wedding without Mass is the Lord’s Prayer and a Blessing. At a Mass, the service ends with a Blessing and Dismissal.